Related Institutes

The following institutes are in a close cooperation with the Study Program WAREM

WAREM is an international oriented Master program  working closely together with the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Environmental System (IWS) and the Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Solid Waste Management (ISWA).

Both institutions include in their research both basic research as well as tasks of applied research. Basic research is promoted in particular by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and by various research institutions (BMBF, EU, federal state of Baden-Württemberg), while applied research is supported by state institutions, special-purpose associations, engineering firms or construction companies. In turn, the Institutes support and advise authorities of the federal and state governments, municipalities and industry in solving practical problems. A profound experience between research and practice is constantly ensured.

WAREM belongs to an interdisciplinary institution in which civil engineers, environmental engineers, biologists, chemists, food chemists, process engineers, geologists and geographers are active.

IWS (Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems)
ISWA (Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Solid Waste Management)
IANS (Institute of Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation)
IIGS (Institute of Engineering Geodesy)
ILPOE (Institute of Landscape Planning and Ecology)
IREUS (Institute of Spatial and Regional Planning)
Related international Masters programs:
MIP (Master's Program Infrastructure Planning)
WASTE (Air Quality Control, Solid Waste and Waste Water Process Engineering)
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