Defended Thesis

Overview of defended theses and abstracts of the WAREM Students

Student Title Year
Tigstu Tsige Dullo Simulation of Morphodynamic Processes Invoked by Artificial Flood Using the 3D-Sediment Transport Model SSIIM2 2011
Alexander Achim Mack Development of an adapted concept of operation for a rural water supply network in Gunung Kidul, Java, Indonesia 2011
Marieh Zargar Evaluating the Effects of Varying Water Users’ Demand Curves in a Groundwater Smart Market 2011
Phuong Hoang Biological Aerobic Treatment of Membrane Concentrates from the Pulp and Paper Industry in Combination with Other Treatment Processes 2011
Sebastian Bühler Hydraulic Modelling of Fluid Injections in Enhanced Geothermal Systems Concerning Seismic Events 2011
Ehsan Rabiei Interpolation of Temperature Data in South Africa, Daily resolution 2011
Syed Abu Shoaib Regionalization of Hydrological Model Parameters for Ungauged 2011
David Estrella Experimental and Numerical Approximation Methods for Zero-Valent Iron Transport around Injection wells 2011
Fasika Dabesa Diro Characterizing the Functional Relationship 
Between Runoff And Storage on Large Spatial Scale By Time Variable Gravity Signals Retrieved From GRACE Satellite.
Kidane Tsegu Fesehaye Investigation of Residual Flow Requirements and attraction flows in a hydropower plant at River Kocher, Germany 2011
Angeli Doliente Cabaltica Assessment of impacts of hydropeaking on macrozoobenthos of Litzauer schleife on the river lech using a habitat modelling approach 2011
Alexander trapp Constraining a density-dependent groundwater flow model using multiple calibration time periods 2011
Bringhton Austin Chunga Modelling of water allocation in the aquaculture integrated with small-scale irrigation in Chinyanja triangle: Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia (A case study of Malawi) 2012
Jingrui Li Quantile Kriging of temperature data in South Africa regarding inversion 2012
Patrick Achidi Generating discharge series for hydropower design in remote areas using available satellite information 2012
Vinay Kumar Coupling of Free Flow and Flow in Porous Media -Dimensional Analysis and Numerical Investigation 2012
Kidane Tsegu Fesehaye Investigation of Residual Flow Requirements and attraction flows in a hydropower plant at River Kocher, Germany (copy) 2012
William Roberto Mullec Padilha Saumauma II Project: Design and specification of a wastewater treatment system for a school boat for the Amazon River 2012
Carlos Sebastian Paez Bimos Quantitative precipitation forecast using weather radar 2012
Fillippos Iosifidis Sensitivity analysis of SWMM pollutant buildup-wash-off parameters and model calibration under limited data availability 2012
Ahsan Habib Resuspension of cohesive sediments and contaminants in the Elbe River catchment 2012
Suroso Multi-site daily precipitation generator with MCMC estimation 2012
Rodrigo Alejandro Ibarra Gonzalez Assessing hydropeaking stranding risk using a GIS-based multicriteria framework 2012
Suroso Stochastical investigation of chronological rainfall behaviour 2012
Egbiki Sunday Leakage detection Modeling in Water Supply networks 2012
Amin Darbandi Extension of a system Dynamics Pond Model for Irrigation and Fish Farming Management 2012
Antonios Koklas Removal of powdered activated carbon (PAC) and micropollutants from communal wastewater, focusing on the PAC sludge recirculation 2012
Eric Krell Modelling of organic trace pollutants in River Körsh/Germany and River Naban/china 2012
Frezer Seid Awol Hydropower forecasting using MIKE 11 model: A case study in south Germany´s small run-off river hydropower plants 2012
Cristobal cox Effects of pH control techniques on transport of zero-valent iron nanoparticles in an aquifer 2012
Nina Wittke Biological Phosphorous removal in wastewater treatment 2012
Benjamin Feldengut Agricultural reuse of MBR-treated wastewater in Malaga, Spain 2012
Falko stöker Inter and intra-storm variability δ2H and δ18O in precipitation: A high-frequency approach to linking isotopic and meteoric parameters 2012
Uchechukwu Ihunweze Comparison of TRMM muti-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA 3B42 with group rain gauge data in Peru (Andes) 2012
Najibullah Sadid Hydro-Morphodynamic modelling using a coarse 2D grid model 2012
Andromachi Melli Phosphorous Removal and recovery from municipal wastewater with the use of innovative particles 2012
Jorn Philip Heppeler Optimization of the operation of a sequencing batch reactor 2012
Kara Jean McElhinney Auditing water resources for application to water-sensitive urban design- A case study in the Lima (Peru) Metropolitan Area 2012
Arkaprovo Ghosal A Lagrangian Smoothed Particle Framework to simulate DNAPL dissolution Phenomena in subsurface porous media 2012
Gonzalo Alonso Numerical investigation on river navigability and its impact on river morphology using basement 2012
Christiana Giannarou Hydropeaking Impact Assessment on Fish of Litzauer Schleife on the River Lech Using Habitat Modeling Approach 2012
Faakhar Raza Assessment of Water Supply Systems in Hospitals in Pakistan and Investigation of Measures for Improvement 2014
Rebecca Audrey Valentine An Evaluation of Remediation Scenarios using Sediment and Habitat models in a River Channel 2014
Isha Basyal Investigations on ammonium removal in constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment – Laboratory scale experiments 2014
Dunja Tanaskovic Determination of municipal wastewater characteristics in Serbia as a base for the conceptual design of wastewater treatment plants, Case Study “East Srem” 2014
Elena Shigorina Numerical investigation of microbially induced calcite precipitation at field scale 2014
Amna Khurram Set up the Database of Hydrometeorological Interesting Events 2015
Arslan Tahir Feasibility Study and Optimization of the Structural Design of Locks made out of Plain Concrete 2015
Alejandro Marcotegui Land Use Classification of Remote Sensing Data Using Depth Functions 2015
Dayan Shahnazari Optimization of the Migration Properties of Nanofer 25s Nanoparticles in Porous Media Using Cascading Columns 2015
Grehidy Garcia Comparison of Remote Sensing Based Precipitation Products (TRMM) with Ground Stations in Singapore 2015
Farideh Changiz Implementation of a porosity approach in modelling the flow through shrubby vegetation 2015
Navarro David Flood Risk Mapping of the City of Guanajuato, Mexico. Using AHP and GIS 2015
Juliana Zapata Giraldo Guide for River Morphological Restoration in Colombia: Examolary Hydro morphological and Habitat Modeling 2015
Harita Natarajan Use of Granular Ferric Hydroxide (GFH) as a catalyst for Peroxide Based Oxidation in Wastewater Treatment 2015
Barly Hakim Behaviors of Air Bubbles in Drinking Water Pipelines Experimental Investigation 2015
Hossein Kariminezhad Flow and Transport Model for Large-Scale Experiment 2015
Neda Azizi Assessment of Selected Micropollutants in Wastewater Treatment Plants and Their Receiving Water Body 2015
Andra´s Herkrath >Erarbeitung der Betriebsanweisung, Hygienevorschriften Für Zulieferteile, Für das Betriebshandbuch der Landeswasserversorgung 2015
Imran Ali Numerical Modeling of Salt Precipitation Around Gas Wells and its Influence on the Methane Extraction Rates 2015
Furqan Mohayodin Estimation of Biogas Potential from Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste by Carrying out Batch Mode Anaerobic Digestion Test at Laboratory Scale 2015
Maria Elena Alegria Application and Assessment of StreamGEM, a Spatially Lumped Model for Dynamic Analysis of Stream Flow and Water Chemistry 2015
Hue Thi Nguyen The Effects of Modern Pollutants on the Remobilisation and Toxicity of Dioxin-Contaminated Sediments 2015
Anshul Bhagat Investigation of an Adaptive Cell-Centered Finite Volume Scheme with Application to Soil-Root Interaction 2015
Dinh Thi Trang Evaluation of Different Real-Time Control Strategies Based on Online Measurements 2015
Emna Zayani Removal of Selected Micropollutants from Wastewater and Degradation of Diclofenac Solution by Rotating Arc Discharge Plasma Reactor 2015
Irfan Mahmood Development of a Model for Microbially Enhanced Coal-bed Methane Production 2015
Homa Seyednejadian Contamination of Urin and Feces from Urinals, VacumToilets and Dry Toilets with Organic Trace Substances 2015
Aftab Anwar 2D Simulation of Vertical Slot Fish Pass Using Hydro Dynamics Models 2015
Andrés Herkrath Urban Drainage Strategies to Prevent Flooding in the Urban Area of Bogotá, Colombia- Case Study: The Enrique Olaya Herrera National Park 2015
Lopez Luis Manuel Comparison of Different Model Performance Criteria: Testing Fuzzy-Kappa for Morphological Modelling Tools 2015
Christoph Ernst Hess Hydropower and Socio-environmental Conflicts – The case of the São Luiz do Tapajós project in Brazil 2015
Loopold Stadler Entwickung und Implementierung eines numerischen Modellkonzepts zur Simulation von Alkoholspülungsprozessen in DNAPL-kontaminierten Grundwasserleitern 2015
Georgios Alekos Formation of Nitrite (NO2) and Nitrous Oxide in batch Test under Anoxid Conditions 2015
Diego Medellin Data and Parameter Uncertainty Quantification of Hydrological Models via Bayesian Updating comparison between five Bavarian catchments 2016
Bui Tan vu Fabrication and characterization of SURGEL-based membranes for Water purification 2016
Femi Oyetayo Injetion of NANOFER STAR into Large Scale Flume 2016
Saara Mattila Untersuchung on Außengebietseinläufen erfahrungen, problee und Optimierung 2016
Amir Riyahi Assessment of Selected Micropollutants and the Effect of Rain Events in Wastewater Treatment Plant and Its Receiving Water Body 2016
Tarig H Bukhary Field Evaluation of Spectral Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) Measurements at the Krauthausen Test Site 2016
Nadia Wahbeh Ahmed Concept of Urban Water Management in Udaipur 2016
Jan Zahoransky Electrochemical activities of Syntrophic acetate Oxidizing bacteria and redox mediators 2016
Yannic Brüning Investigation of the Relationship between Sea Level Fluctuations and the Electrical Conductivity of Wastewater 2016
James K.Kigutu Design Review and Analysis of a New Dam for Safety Using FEM 2016
Mohammad Amoushahi Assessment of Selected Micropollutants Behavior in a Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant 2016
Nafis Fuad Copper Recovery in a Litre-Scale Microbial Fuel Cell 2016
Amirhossein Sahraei Monitoring of Soil Crack Dynamics with Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) and Crack-o-meter Measurements 2016
Betsaida Fernandez Automated Calibration for Numerical Models of Riverflow 2016
Safa Slama Biological and Chemical Phosphorous Removal from Wastewater Treatment Plant Mudanya, Turkey 2016
Zerai Mebrahtu Habtu Distributed Delivery Approach for Annual Sediment Yield Modeling 2016
Fabian Marquez Avila Hydromorphological Assessment and Chachment Characterisation of the Headwaters of the Wolga River 2016
Giuseppe Picciariello Semi-Central Nature-Based Stormwater Management Systems: an International Assessment 2016
Minh Tuan Bui Monitoring of Water Temperatures in the Headwaters of the Volga River: Trends Analyses and Possible Changes in Future 2016
Kanawal Amin Sensitivity Analysis of the Rainfall Model NiedSim Focusing on the Hourly Optimization 2016
Matin Liaghi Numerical Simulation of Borehole Heat Exchanger-an Application of THM-Modeling 2017
Maral Mohajer Development of a CFD model for simulating an experimental rig for flocculation considering the settling of flocs 2017
Betsaida Fernandez Automated Calibration for Numerical Models of Riverflow 2017
Yousef Nasereddin Assessing Desalination Plants' Energy Efficiency by Integration Automation Systems 2017
Amir Riyahi Assessment of selected micro-pollutants and the effect of rain events in the wastewater treatment plant and its receiving water body 2017
Farid Mohammadi Bayesian Model Selection for Hydro-morphodynamic Models 2017
Diego Motavita Data and parameter uncertainty quantification of hydrological models via Bayesian updating: Comparison between five Bavarian catchments 2017
Pramod Shrestha Using Ferrate(VI) as Electron Acceptor in Oxidative and Bio-Stimulated Degradation Processes 2017
Liza de Quadros Effect of Salt Precipitation on Evaporation and Porous Media Permeability 2017
Vega Annisa Hasibuan Reintroduction Scheme of Cottus gobio Linnaeus, 1758 in the Upper Drava River in South Tyrol (Italy) with fish from the same Catchment 2017
Ahmad Sallar Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Vibratory-Driven Monopile Installation on the Changes of Stress and State Parameters in the Adjacent Soil 2017
Mohammad Saad Bakhtiar Numerical Investigation of hydraulic Failure in Excavation due to Weakness in Bottom Sealing 2017
Forough Afzali The Influence of Climate Change on Key Indexes for Expansion Planning with Variable Renewable Energy 2017
Tarek Mohammed Zaqout Laboratory Experiments to Calibrate a Novel Method to Determine the HYDRAULIC Conductivity from Gravel and Sand Mixtures 2017
Ezzeldeen Younes A Review of Decentralized Stormwater Management Solutions and Optimization, Introducing a Real Case Study of Ahvaz, Iran 2017
Landon J. Harris Partial Oxidation of Micropollutants by Vacum-UV-Radiation: Reactor Development and Testing 2017
Delia Zuniga The Future Hydropower Expansion Planning Model 2017
Hassan Ali Elagami Determination of Mass Balances in Sewer Systems during Wet and Dry Weather Conditions based on Spatially and Temporally Limited Information 2017
Novi Andriany Teguh 3D Numerical Modeling and Analysis of Bed Topography in A 180 Channel Bend 2017
Prakash Satenahalli Streaming Potential in Variably Saturated Porous Media 2017
Edward N. Coltman Numerical Investigation of Turbulent Flow Around Obstacles and Evaporating Porous Media 2017
Shahadat Hossein Choudhury Life Cycle Assessment of Tidal Renewable Energy (Severn Barrage, UK) 2017
Adeola Anthony Adesoga Numerical Modelling of Buttress/Multiple Arch Dams 2017
Michael Fobke Cost Comparision of Aerobic and Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment 2017
Jose Fernando Chapa Zumba Development of Regionalized Rainwater Harvesting Design Curves in Ecuador 2017
Christine Razafimaharo Hydrological Analysis of a Glaciated Catchment in the Cordillera Blanca (Peru) 2018
Neguyan Thi Thu Hien Biological Removal of Micropollutants from Chemically Pre-Treated Sewage Treatment Plant Effluent - Laboratory Tests and Rector Development 2018
Sharon Shaji Analysis of Copula-based Infilling on a High Temporal Scale in a Real-Time Scenario 2018
Muhammad Yoga Anindito Can Re-regulation Reservoirs and Battery Energy Storage Systems Cost-Effectively Mitigate Hydropeaking? 2018
Tulio Soto Applying Arbitrary Polynomial Chaos Expansion in Energy Storage Expansion Planning 2018
Payman Sabokroohieh Characterization of Wastewater Sludges from Food Processing Industries for Procedural Consideration of Variable Disposal Routes 2018
Nerea Karmele De Arbeloa Assessing the Transferability of a 2D Hydraulic Model into a 3D Hydraulic Model on the Example of the ''Kleine Kinzig'' Reservoir 2018
Pheakdey Tang Mapping Flood Risk Area Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Model with Geography Information System (GIS) on the East Bank Side of Siem Reap City, Cambodia 2018
Elyas Abhoui Determination of Surface Flow Using Numerical SWMM Program and Proposing Alternatives for economic design of Drainage System 2018
Alejandra Morena Cruz Investigation of the Correlation Between Online Measured TSS and Hydrophobic Micropollutants Concentrations in Wastewater and Combined Sewer Overflow 2018
Nowroz Farhan Noor Adsorption Capacity of Iron Containing Granular Filter Materials with Respect to Phosphorus Compounds in Wastewater 2018
Samaneh Vahid Dastjerdi Micro-Scale Calcite Precipitation in a Porous Media and its Consequences for Permeability and Flow Fields: Experimental and Numerical Investigation 2018
Hanna Katharina Kramer Evaluating SDG Indicators 6.1.1. and 6.2.1. taking into consideration the Importance of Gender Equality 2018
Zoreh Ghazanchaei Use of Catchment Scale Soil Moisture to Understand River Flood Hazard 2018
Abbas El Hachem Application of a Cascade Model for Temporal Rainfall Disaggregation 2018
Mustafa Ahmed Mustafa Uncertainty Estimation of Precipitation Covariance Functions and its Effect on Discharge Simulation Using Random Mixing 2018
Zolal Ayazpour Application of Wavelet Transformation and Artificial Neural Network in Combined Sewer Flow Simulation 2018
Yasaman Tavana Validation Strategies for a Reliable Assessment of Pharmaceutical Micropollutants in Urban Sewage Systems and Wastewater Treatment Plants 2018
Jacinta Wairimu Wokabi Laboratory Experiments to Detect Hydraulic Conductivities in Gravel Beds Using a Deep Double Packer 2018
Jimi Kim Rainwater Harvesting for Domestic Use and Groundwater Recharge in Coimbatore, India 2018
Juan David Salgado Zamora Calibration of Water Distribution Hydraulic Models Using Bayesian Framework 2018
Luis Prieto Pumped hydro energy storage in Chile, Peru and Bolivia - Technical potential, cost, and economic feasibility 2019
Siddharth Seshan Conceptual Modelling of a Small Semi-Arid Catchment 2019
Jessica Hespen Multiobjective Optimization of Decentralized Urban Drainage Networks using Simplified Cost and Resilience Indices 2019
Eksa Bagas Prasasti Techno-Economic Assessment of a Hybrid Power Plant: Floating Photovoltaic and Hydropower 2019
Nhu Hue Nguyen Desorption behaviours of poly- and perfluorinated substances (PFASs) derived from the paper industry through soil column experiments and numerical modelling in saturated and variably saturated conditions 2019
Sohini Banerjee Investigation of the influence of filter materials on the removal of micropollutants from wastewater 2019
Pooya Peysokhan Tajdanoo Identifying the behaviour of joint floods in neighbouring catchments based on PCA 2019
Sibghat Ullar Optimization of the HBV model of the Neckar Catchment area 2019
Tawhed Bashar Biogas Energy Potential From waste in Sudan an Urban-Rural Case Study 2019
Aron Negusse Asfaha Optimal Design of Pressure Measurement for Stochastic Calibration of Water Distribution Hydraulic Models 2019
Daniel Chou Modelling of Micropollutant Emissions from Combined Sewer Systems 2019
Muhammed Mahfuzul Hafiz Chowdhury Calibration of a Model for better prediction of Flood using Fourier Transform 2019
Rosendo Del Rio Murillo Sustainable Watershed Management in a Semi-Arid Region - A case study in Zacatecas 2019
Saeed Nourallah Laboratory Investigation of Sediment Infiltration Masses in Rhombohedral Packing Arrangement of Spheres 2019
Ovie Efemena Samuel Evaluation of Woven Fibre Microfiltration Textile as Pretreatment for UV-LED Disinfection 2019
Jila Khalighi Marghzar Floating Photovoltaic Plants: Ecological Impacts vs. Hydropower Operation Flexibility 2019
Hiraida Perez Evaluation of Slow Sand Filtration for Municipal Wastewater with Trickling Filter as Primary Treatment 2019
Stefania Carvajal Ariniegas Modelling of Salt Precipitation and Comparison with Experimental Results 2019
Juan Manuel Lomelin Fernandez Development of an Algorithm for Water Reuse Using Pinch technology with a Case Study in Lurin Valley, Peru 2019
Caleb Inskeep Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Cohesive Sediment Erosion 2019
Ruslan Biserov Geospatial Analysis of Riverine Morphological Change with Google Earth Engine Developing Universal Method 2019
Widyananda Suwito Laboratory Investigation of Flow Structure on the Sand Bed with Biofil Cover 2019
Widratul Ahya Elimination of Selected Organic Micropollutants with Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) - Influence on Adsorption 2019
Andres Heredia Hidalgo Stochastic Calibration of a Morphodynamic River Model 2019
Patricia Alejandra Palacios Romero Optimizing the Operation of a Water Transmission Network 2019
Marcos Eduardo Covarrubias Ocegueda Modelling Strategies to Integrate Urban Drainage and Groundwater Management. Case Study: Guadalajara, Mexico 2019
Adriana Noelia Veizaga Campero Phosphate Adsorption onto Iron-Containing Filter Materials with Real Wastewater and its Synthetic Replica 2019
Anastasiya Varanovich Implementation of a ZLD Unit at an Industrial Production Site 2019
Ghazi Eltiti Estimation of Combined Sewer Overflows and Their Related Uncertainties 2019
Willis Awandu Determination of Mass Transfer Rates of Contaminants During Steam-Air Enhanced in-situ Remediation Process 2019
Elisabet Noren Water Balance Model for Tropical Climate - A Case Study Singapore 2019
Marco Baban Probabilistic Identification of Water Pipe Network Failure for a Synthetic Case 2019
Mohamad Osama Madwar Determination of the Economic Flow Velocities for the Planning of a Target Distribution Network 2019
Luis O. K. M. Imagiire Flash flood modelling using low-cost and open-access devices 2020
Stella Nadine Steidl Comparison of Multiple Linear Regression and Artificial Neural Networks for Infilling Missing Precipitation Records 2020
Pann Ei Ei Phyoe Construction and application of a 3D-hydrodynamic model of the Schwarzenbach reservoir using Delft3D 2020
Katherine Menzel (Altamirano) Development of experiments for recovery of copper from acid mine drainage through the process of membrane microfiltration based on a sulfidation reaction. 2020
Patanjali Vatnal Influence of operating parameters on mass and heat transfer in Feed Gap Air Gap Membrane Distillation 2020
Student Title Year
Kaputo Karera, Alex Hygienic Aspects of Drinking Water Supply in Developing Countries 1999
Sindhu Pribadi, I Gede Oka Ökologisch Orientierte Entwicklung desw Küstenbereichs unter Berücksichtigung des Bodens und der Gewässer der Stadt Surabaya, Indonesien 1999
Tirawaty, Silvi Regionalisation of Short Term Precipitation Properties 1999
Okantina, Dewanti Removal of Selected Pesticides in Waste Water Treatment Plants 1999
Ayele Bekalo, Samson Numerical Forecasting of Sediment Pollution by Cadmium in the River Neckar 1999
Islam, Shafiqul A.K.M. Trend Analysis of Groundwater Level in Baden-Württemberg, Germany 1999
Takkouk, Saddek Possibilities, Limitations and Methods of Storage of Surface-Runoff in the Semi-Desertic Zone of Algeria 1999
Lebrenz, Hans-Henning Rainfall Estimation Using Satellite Images 1999
Zewdie Gonfa, Berhanu Application of Neural Network to Rainfall-Runoff Modeling, Flood Forecasting and Simulation for The Upper Neckar Catchment 1999
Rowse, Nicholas Groundwater Remediation by Alcohol Flooding 1999
Hundecha, Yeshewatesfa Development of a Fuzzy Logic-Based Rainfall-Runoff Model 1999
Müller, Marcus High Order Finite Element Methods for Advection-Dominated Transport in 2-D Heterogeneous Aquifers 1999
Abu-Salah, Salah In-situ Remediation of Organic Groundwater Contamination 1999
Smmo, Adil Hydraulic and Morphologic Investigations in River Sections Affected by the Volk Hydropower Project at the Elz River 1999
Kurniawati, Irma Multi-objective Precipitation Network Design 1999
Koch, Sonja Erosion Assessment in Landscape Planning 2000
Effenberger, Mathias The Potential Impact of the Gasoline Additive Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) on Groundwater 2000
Körting, Katharina Untersuchungen zur anaeroben Vorbehandlung organisch hoch belasteter Teilstromabwässer aus der Textilveredelung im Rahmen eines Wasserrecyclingkonzeptes 2000
Nowak, Wolfgang Age Determination of a TCE Source Zone using Solute Transport Profiles in an Underlying Aquitard 2000
Schnurr, Rainer Water Balance Model for the Qinhuai Catchment, Jiangning County, PR China 2000
Schmid, Christoph Grundwasserstände in Baden-Württemberg und ihre Beeinflussung durch Klimafaktoren 2000
Pinheiro, Carla Temporal Variability of Nitrogen Flux at the Estuary-Ocean Boundary of the Barnegat Bay, New Jersey, U.S.A. 2000
Weinbrenner, Daniel Untersuchungen zur Anwendbarkeit der unterirdischen Enteisenung und Entmanganung im Wasserwerk Ramlingen 2000
Yang, Wei Optimisation of the Operation of a SBR Plant with Submerged Hollow Fibre Membranes 2000
Bürger, Stefanie A. The Use of Partitioning Tracers to assess Multi-Component Organic Contamination 2000
Chackiath Jose, Surabhin DNAPL Behavior during a Thermally Enhanced Soil Vapor Extraction: Investigation of Movement Characteristics and Remediation Efficiency of One- and Two-Dimensional Experiments 2000
Adusei-Poku, Kwabena Subterranean Removal of Iron and Manganese from Groundwater - the example of Waterworks Ramlingen 2000
Sismotto, Maria Elisa A Habitat Simulation Model for the Reach of the "Radolfzeller Aach" affected by the "Musikinsel" Hydropower Plant 2000
Kutschera, Gesa Mapping Sewage Nitrogen in a Coastal Ecosystem using 15N and 13C 2000
Jacoub, George Khalil Numerical Simulation of Alcohol Flooding 2000
Kretschmer, Nicole Simulation of the Qaraoun Reservoir Operation with Regard to the Effects on the Whole Litani System 2000
Donkova, Borislava Examination of the Possibility to Disinfect Different Wastewater Effluents with UV Radiation 2000
Ochs, Steffen Predictive Modeling of Field Scale DNAPL Remediation by Steam Injection 2000
Sood, Gaurav Assessment of the Effects of Increasing the Upstream Head at the Small Hydro Power Station in Öpfingen, Ulm 2000
Lang, Claus Evaluating Transport and Biodegradation of MTBE in a Gasoline Contaminated Aquifer using Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling 2000
Kopecki, Ianinia Reservoir Sediment Erosion Risk Assessment: Application of a 2-dimensional Numerical Flow Model 2001
Anohin, Vadim Konzeption und Entwurf einer Verbindungsleitung zwischen den Hauptleitungen 3 und 4 des Zweckverbandes Landeswasserversorgung, Stuttgart 2001
Ott, Torben Juvenile Salmon Behaviour as a Response to the Flow Manipulation in Mandal River and Fuzzy Rule Habitat Simulation 2001
Kleissl, Jan Applicability of Taylor's hypothesis to atmospheric boundary layer field measurements of subgrid-scale stresses 2001
Hickel, Klaus The Effects of Pine Afforestation on Flow Regime in Small Upland Catchments 2001
Alarcon Montero, Pablo Andres A Land Use and Water Supply Model for Urban Development Planning 2001
Zegoulli, Ines Pre-Investigations on the Energetic Hydro and Irrigation Potentials of Reservoirs under Various Geographic Conditions 2001
Wutschka, Judith Measurement and Calculation of High Evaporation Losses from Lakes in Namibia 2001
Knoblauch, Stephanie Assessment of Technical, Ecological and Economic Implications for the Use of Ethanol instead of Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) as Oxygenate and Octane Booster in Gasoline 2001
Messerer, Armin Integration of a Two-way Coupling Scheme to Model Particle-Turbulence Interaction into a Direct Numerical Simulation Code 2001
Stump, Simone Investigations on Modeling of Large River-Bed Roughness 2001
Mödinger, Jens Three-Dimensional Numerical Models for Natural Rivers: Review and Application to the Rock Island Dam Forebay 2001
Dadie-Amoah, Kwasi Centralized & Decentralized Wastewater Management: Techniques for an Economic Analysis, Comparison & Decision-Making 2001
Ashong, Charles Deforestation and Desertification in (Semi-) Arid Regions of sub-Saharian West Africa 2001
Assteerawatt, Anongnart Numerical Simulation of 2-D Flow in a Flood Retention Reservoir 2001
Agyemang-Badu, Collins Land Use Impacts on Groundwater Quality: A Case Study of Sindelfingen, Germany 2001
Tulunay, Cagatay Design Considerations for Flexible Plastic Pipes 2001
Gutierrez Ziegler, Claudio Design of Hydraulic Systems for Alcohol Flooding in 3-D Flow Domains 2001
Osafo-Kwaako, Bennet Amaning Application of the Conceptual Hydrological Model HBV-IWS as a Tool for Integrated Watershed Managementin the Kocher River Basin, Southwest Germany 2001
Graf, Tobias GIS supported Modeling of Water Balance and Surface Water Flow for the Catchment of the Upper Neckar 2001
Akuzun, Sener Identification of Flow Processes in Fractured Aquifer Systems 2001
Anteneh, Nibret Flood Modeling and Comparison Using Rainfall-Runoff Models HBV and FGMOD/LARSIM on the Goldersbach Catchment 2002
Bracken, Patrick Sustainable Groundwater Management in the Rhine-Neckar Area 2002
Hassan Md. Mahbubur Rahman, Khairul Fuzzy Logic Based Mesohabitat Modelling with CASIMIR: first test to extend a new model using visually assessed parameters 2002
Rojanschi, Vlad Effects of Upscaling for a Finite-Difference Flow Model 2002
Wisser, Dominik Hydrological Modelling of the Lufira Catchment (Malawi) for the Investigation of Different Land Use Scenarios 2002
Zegoulli, Ines Prediction of Algal Biomass as a Function of Nutrient Loading and Physical Forcing 2002
Chen, Xia Submerged Membrane Systems: Performance and Influencing Parameters 2002
Fenrich, Eva Ecohydraulics Modelling of a Stream Restoration Scheme in West Wales 2002
Chen, Xiaoying Feasibility Study of a German Technology Oriented Wastewater Treatment Plant in Fuxin, China 2002
Sustersic, Laura Development of a Multi-Objective Decision Making Framework as a Support to the Reform Process of the WRM Sector in Zambia 2002
Eichel, Helmut Investigation of Boundary Influences on Flow and Transport in Porous Media 2002
Thannbichler, Christof A flume Experiment on Sediment Transport with Flexible, Submerged Vegetation 2002
Hornung, Ralf Numerical Modelling of Stratification in Lake Constance with the 1-D hydrodynamic model DYRESM 2002
Antakyali, Demet Özgül An Investigation of a Process Concept for In-House Wastewater Treatment Considering Water Reuse in a Yarn Dying Factory 2002
Nzokou Tanekou, Francois Multidimensional Numerical Bed-load Transport Modelling of a Physical Model with Groynes (Schönberg) 2002
Pfizenmaier, Stefan Optimisation of the Moragahakanda Dam Design Considering Technical and Economic Aspects - An Engineering Approach 2002
Acquah, Benjamin Kingsley Panyin Investigation of Groundwater Availability in the Volta Basin of Ghana, based on Hydrogeological Field Data and Geological Maps Using GIS - Volume I 2002
Acquah, Benjamin Kingsley Panyin Investigation of Groundwater Availability in the Volta Basin of Ghana, based on Hydrogeological Field Data and Geological Maps Using GIS - Volume II 2002
Hastuti, Elis An Investigation of Up-Concentrating and Recycling of Split Flows from Textile Industry Dyeing Wastewater Using Nanofiltration 2002
Zhang, Xiuju Aspects of Local Flood Protection Systems 2002
Wang, Yan Comparison of Energy Consumption of Different Systems for the Treatment of Municipal Wastewater 2002
Gedamu Belayneh, Wondayehu GIS Tools for HBV Pre-Processing 2002
Kengatharam, Thuszanthan Simple elastic-plastic Model for Sand 2002
Wais, Axel Possibilities and Limitations of Predicting Tunnel Boring Machine Advance Rates for the Assessment of Tunnel Project Costs 2002
Lin, Feng A Coupled Model with Water and Heat Transport 2002
Ebert, Suzanne Development and Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Indicators to Assess Waste Avoidance Potential 2002
Guangzu Chen Sensitivity Analyses of Water Factors Influencing Sustainability/Oriented Land Use Decisions 2002
Stahl, Silke Possibilities of using surface water for the extension of fresh water supply in Ibadan City, Nigeria 2003
Hussain, Shaikh Arshad Removal of Non-Biodegradable Trace Compounds From Wastewater 2003
Díaz, Jeaneth Investigation of a Full-scale Industrial Plant for the Treatment of Effluents from the Production of Aromatic Extracts and Fruit Concentrates 2003
Daa-Naa, Roland Development of a Large Scale Two-Dimensional Groundwater Model of the Upper Danube Basin With Special Regard to Boundary Conditions 2003
Surya Putri, Maeritta An Investigation of Cidurian River Profile and Estimated Impact of PT. Dystar; A Reference Toward Legal Drafting of Wastewater Standard for Textile Industry in Indonesia 2003
Klongkarn, Angkhana The Investigation into the Uses of Constructed Wetland 2003
Chen, Hong Flow and Heat Transfer in Soils of Different Permeability 2003
Syarif, Ciko Cahyana Planning and Design of Drinking Water Supply System and Water Treatment Plant in the Municipality of Taalabaya, Lebanon 2003
Niessner, Jennifer Influence of the Interface Condition and Exact Linearization in the Newton Iterations for Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media 2003
Dibrani, Berhon Simulation of Flood Induced Removal of Alluvial Fans from Tributaries of the Kootenai River 2003
Chen, Hong Two Dimensional Numerical Analysis on Confined Heat Transfer in Dry Soils 2003
Schuol, Jürgen Vergleich verschiedener Ganglinienseparationsverfahren angewendet in Teileinzugsgebieten der oberen Donau 2003
Gurmessa, Tesfaye Kebede Numerical Modelling of Sediment Transport for Bed Morphology Development Assessment of the River Neckar 2003
Azuaje Silva, Verónica Isabel Anaerobic Co-Fermentation of Concentrates From the Textile Industry (TPI) - Comparison of Lab Scale Tests and Full Scale Processes 2003
Gaffrey, Sven Design of Breakwaters - a comparative study of internationally applied approaches 2003
Scherrer, Ivo Strategies for Thermal Restoration of a Chinook Salmon Spawning and Rearing Stream Using a Heat Transport Model 2003
Patterson, Lisa Examination of Stream and Habitat Classification Systems to Aid in Computer Habitat Modeling 2003
Götzinger, Jens Hochwasserschutzkonzeption für kleine Einzugsgebiete am Beispiel der Gemeinde Gingen an der Fils 2003
Wagner, Sven Räumlich statistiche Untersuchung der Windverhältnisse auf dem Bodensee auf der Grundlage an Land gemessener Winde und des Windes in der freien Atmosphäre 2003
Poveda, Carlos Effects of the presence of Concentrates from Textile Industries on the Digested Sludge Dewatering Characteristics 2003
Benjankar, Rohan Man Use of the Habitat Simulation Model CASiMiR: Calibration, Validation and Sensitivity 2003
Gabriel, Christian Entwicklung eines Simulationswerkzeuges zur Modellierung von Auenvegetation 2003
Asapo, Emmanuel Sesofia Development of a Wastewater Treatment System with Ponds for a Suburban Area in Lagos, Nigeria 2003
Li, Jun Experimental Investigation on Thermally Induced Buoyancy Flow in Porous Media 2003
Ren, Jing Investigation into Design and Management Procedures of a Pilot Drip Irrigation Scheme in Beijing, China, using DISSCP 2003
Zackria, Rizwan Hussain Planning and Design of Wastewater Disposal System for the Municipality of Taalabaya, Lebanon 2003
Xi, Xin A GIS Analysis of the Groundwater Quality in the Upper Danube River Basin with special Regard to Nitrate 2003
Young, Candice A. MesoHabitat Modelling for Fish: Application and Comparison of Different Approaches 2004
Kasmuri, Norhafezah Literature Research about pathogenous contamination of surface water and disinfection of wastewater/treatment of stormwater. 2004
Rahman, Mohammad Anisur Inverse Modeling of Groundwater Transport using Temporal Moments of Concentration 2004
Shalkowski, Sandra Investigation on the worthiness of reactivating the closed down small hydropower plant Kikuletwa/Tanzania 2004
Pakosch, Sabine Statistische Methoden zur stationären und instationären Auswertung von gemessenen Maximalablüssen mit Hilfe theoretischer Verteilungsfunktionen 2004
Wie, Li Geostatistical Inversing of Transient Pumping Tests Using Temporal Moments of Drawdown 2004
Sharma, Prabhakar Influence of the Intrinsic Permeability and the VanGenuchten Parameters on Small-Scale Simulation Results 2004
Pham Van, Song Modeling of Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media: Parameter Studies on Water Infiltration Processes 2004
Kahl, Andreas Wastewater Treatment Efficientcy of Constructed Wetlands (Submerged Bed Systems) under Different Climatic Conditions with Focus on Developing Countries 2004
Eastman, Kristin Effects of Embeddedness on Fish Habitats: An Approach for Implementation in the Habitat Simulation Model CASiMiR 2004
Agboma, Clement Hydrogeophysical investigations in Southern Germany employing electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and refraction seismic 2004
Lawrence, Francois Numerical Investigation on the impact of Bed form Resistance and Sediment Transport on the water level and bed elevation in impounded rivers - Case study river Inn at Feldkirchen 2004
Papafotiou, Alexandros Interpretation of Simulation Results Including a Dynamic Capillary Pressure Relationship 2004
Ramli, Suzana Wastewater Reclamation for Potable Reuse: A Close Look at Reclamation Projects in Singapore and Windhoek, Namibia 2004
Dogan, Mehmet Onur Modeling of Mine Gas Repositories 2004
He, Yi Assessment of Predictive Uncertainty associated with the Identification of Model Parameters of Conceptual Rainfall-Runoff Model 2004
Ding, Jie Steam- and steam-air-injection in the saturated zone: experimental and numerical investigations on DNAPL-mobilization and heat front behavior 2004
Annang, Tetteyfio Seth Ozone Applications for Advanced Wastewater Treatment 2004
Peter Diman, Caroline Investigation on Sediment Management Options for the Main River of Kuala Lumpur by Numerical Simulation with HEC-RAS and HEC-6 2004
Zwang, Yawei Characterization and Evaluation of an Online Monitoring Biosensor System for Nitrification Control in Wastewater Treatment 2004
Zhu, Wie Development of a Finite Element Model for a Cylindrical Device for the Determination of the Hydraulic Conductivity Tensor 2004
Rahman, Khaja Zillur Partitioning Tracers for the Delineation of Organic Contaminations in the Saturated Zone 2004
Wang, Ron Dynamic Simulation of Biological Wastewater Treatment with the Activated Sludge Model No. 1 2004
Kalam, Abul Influence from Antecedent Soil Moisture Contents on Storm Runoff 2004
Folifac, Fidelis Ateh-Awung Land Use Planning and Watershed Management in the Mount Cameroon Region (Cameroon-West Africa): Institutional Aspects, Problems Identification and Solution Strategies 2004
Moreno, Christian Influence of Seasonal Stratification Patterns on the Basin-Scale Motions of Upper Lake Constance 2004
Stojcic, Marko Effects of Grid Size and Upscaling for a Finite-Difference Flow and Transport Model 2004
Jin, Chu Dynamic Simulation of Biological Wastewater Treatment with the Activated Sludge Model No. 3 2004
Xianghua, MA Dynamic simulation of biological wastewater treatment with the Activated Sludge Model No. 2d 2004
Samari, Sampson Sandow Aeration Systems for Activated Sludge Plants and Aerated Lagoons 2004
Kopp, Andreas Entwicklung von Optimierungswerkzeugen für den Grundwasserhaushalt in Wassergewinnungsgebieten: Softwareentwicklung und Anwendung auf ein Grundwasservorkommen 2004
Meleg, Alejandro A Prototype Object-Oriented Water Supply Model for the Upper Danube Basin 2004
Kwofie, John Eric Investigations into Effective and Environmentally Friendly Flood Protection at River Brandbach in Bräunlingen - A Case Study 2004
Steidinger, Simon 'Thermische Sanierung eines CKW-Schadenfalls durch Dampf-Luft-Injektion in die gesättigte Bodenzone 2004
Dewi, Susi Hartini Phosphorus Recovery from Sewage Sludges and Fertilizer Value of Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate (MAP) 2004
Gómez, Jackelyn Aragón Assessment of the interdependencies among socio-economic factors, ecosystem and water availability in semi-arid regions --- A system dynamics approach 2004
Patil, Sachin Correlation Between River Density and Baseflow Component 2004
Luchmapurkar, Ratnakar Modelling of Rainfall - Runoff processing in a meso scale catchment using MIKE SHE (WM) Model 2004
Müller, Claudia Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur Dampfinjektion in die gesättigte Bodenzone 2004
WEN, Wie Phosphorus Recovery from Sewage Sludges 2004
Liang, Lijun Comparison of Two Different Membrane Systems for Wastewater Treatment 2004
Rachel Opata Strategies for Orchard Irrigation in Oberschwaben Under the Limitation of meeting Instream Flow Requirements of the Used Stream 2004
Ramirez Parra,Marco Antonio Use of Membrane Based Technologies for Further Reduction of COD Coming from the Permeate of an Ultrafiltration Plant in a Metal Finishing Company 2004
Van der Heijden,Sven Hochwasservorhersage in kleinen Einzugsgebieten unter Verwendung hydrologischer und hydraulischer Modelle -Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Fallbeispiel- 2004
Ehsan,Saqib Capabilities and Limitations of 1D-Open Flow Program Packages MIKE & HEC-RAS-A Comperative Study 2004
Manful,Desmond Impact of Climate Variability on ET Estimation and Ist Implications for the Water Balance in the Neckar River Basin 2004
Vasin, Milos Comparison of different approaches to model transport in groundwater on a very large scale with special regard to nitrogen in the Upper Danube Basin 2005
Addai, Kwadwo Adusei Coupling the HBV Model with ArcGIS: An Extension 2005
Tian, Yiming Numerical Modeling of Methane Adsorption and Transport Processes in Mined Areas 2005
Akah, Arnold Kojo Determination of Characteristic Quantity of Sediment Samples 2005
Gafurov, Abror Water Balance Modelling for Meso-scale Catchments Under Data Limited Conditions 2005
Schuler, Sandra GIS-gestützte Modellrechnungen zum Vergleich zulässiger Stickstoffüberschüsse unter landwirthschaftlich genutzten Flächen mit Stickstoffbilanzen und Herbst-Nmin-Werten; Eine Beurteilung der Nitratbelastungssituation in Wasserschutzgebieten der LW 2005
Chen, Licheng Probabilistic methods applied in slope stability analysis 2005
Krakani,Ernest Yaw Development of Reservoir-Potential Indicators for Flood Protection-Benefits from Multi-Purpose Reservoirs 2005
Dwomoh,Frank Agyen Groundwater Vulnerability Mapping:Case Study of the Elsenz Region 2005
Adjei,Frank Owusu Evaluation of GIS Based Estimation of Surface Runoff and Groundwater Recharge 2005
Can,Evrim Transport of Bed Load in Streams - Realization,Extendibility & Limitations in Mike 11 Computer Program 2005
Adusei,Emmanuel Kwabena Correlation Between River Density and Baselflow Component 2005
Darkwa,Evans Applicability of Available Approaches and Date Bases for the Assessment of Soil Loss from Agricultural Lands in Selected Regions in Kenya-Africa 2005
Kumar, K. Pradeep Physical Aspects in the Numerical Modeling of CO2 Sequestration 2005
Wang,Pengfei Using the Moving Mesh Feature to Simulate the Unsteady Electrostatic Spray Painting Produced by a High-speed Rotary Bell Atomizer with the External Charge 2005
Boateng-Gyimah,Maxwell Allocation of Water for Efficient Food Production in Ghana by 2025 Using Podium Policy Dialogue Model 2005
Yu,Wu Implementation of a Heat- and Radiation-Balance Model in the System-Dynamics Model "SimSahel" 2005
Gamadeku,Richard Urban Storm Water Run-off Managment Plans for Alajo,a Suburb of Accra,Ghana 2005
Beck,Ferdinand Statistische Untersuchung des variablen Windfeldes auf dem Bodensee 2005
Montoya,Saul Modelling the Groundwater Flow in the Catchment of the Al-Haza Oasis and Verification with Isotope Information 2005
Liu,Min Identification of a REV for a Given Upscaling Method 2005
Li,Jing Modelling of Multiphase Multicomponent Flow and Transport in Heap Leaching of Copper Ores 2005
Nettey Akai, Samuel Nii Efficient Application of Irrigation Planning and Scheduling Software Tools, Databases and Guidelines (A Review Based on Exemplary Case Studies) 2005
Corral, Laura Torres Planning and Design of a Driven Well Capable of Cleaning DNAPL Contaminated Aquifers with Alcohol Cocktails 2005
Das, Samiran Comparison of Different Approaches for the Assessment of Extreme Discharges under Climate Change 2005
Setiadi, Neysa Jacqueline Analysis of Water Suppley   Services' Perfomance in the Upper Danube Basin 2005
Saidoo Donkoh, John Scott Assessment of Water -and Salt- Balance in Irrigated Soils 2005
Whealan, Ann T. A Modelling Investigation of Mitigation Measures for Groundwater Flooding in Elchesheim-Illingen, Germany 2005
Chin, Mei Ling Stability Investigations on Two Concrete Weirs with the Finite Element Program, ANSYS 2005
Ma,Yidong Thermodynamic Analysis of Membrane Absorption Refrigeration Cycles 2005
Yang, Li Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Steam Injection in Saturated Soils 2005
Andee Raidza Dziaudin Regional Flood Frequency Analysis in the Pahang River Basin, Malaysia 2006
Vural,Yasemin Effect of Disaggregation on Efficiency of Hydrological Modelling 2006
Olakunle,Omodara The Influence of Particle Settling Velocity on Sizing Stormwater Sedimentation Tanks 2006
Eraydin,Hüseyin Investigaton on a New Type of a Turbine 2006
Oppong Kwakye,Stephen Ways of Determining Earthquake Loads for Hydraulic Structures(Dams)-An International Survey 2006
Zhao, Wie Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Thermally Induced Buoyancy Flow in Porous Media 2006
Chalakov,Nikolay Simeonov Analysis of Institutional and Structural Framework Related to Flood Protection in Bulgaria 2006
Garzon Fuentes, Ana Patricia Wasserverlustüberwachung mit neuer Sensortechnik 2006
Manieson,Daniel Sowa Membrane Technology and Its Application to Groundwater Treatment in Rural Ghana 2006
Ding,Jianyang Numerical Study in Solute Mixing in thermally Induced Buoyancy Flow in Groundwater 2006
Sevdalina Boehme,geb.Petkova Stress-and Strain Investigations for a Double-arched Concrete Dam, Using the FEM-program Package Calculix 2006
Gopal Chandra Saha Numerical Modeling of The Distribution of A Point Source Release in Lake Constance under Different Hydrodynamic Conditions 2006
Phan Anh Nguyen Neumuehle Project-Redevelopment of a Small Hydro Power Plant in Wolfegg 2006
Fischer,Eckhard Floodplain Habitats And Inundation Processes In The Lower Kootenai Floodplain 2006
Sixto A. Duran-Ballen Feasibility Study For Geothermal Energy Use in Tunnels -Stuttgart 21- 2006
Alex Eduardo Rodriguez S. Hydraulic Design of a Spillway and Open channel on the Pacific Ocean Side for The Expansion of The Panama Canal 2006
Amir Aghakouchak Investigations on Macrodispersion for Flow and Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media 2006
Ackom,Edward Kofi GIS Based Estimations of Monthly and Annual Actual Evapotranspiration 2006
Kuntsche, Felix Hydrological Modeling of the Effect of Climate Change on Groundwater Level and River Discharge in Western Jutland, Denmark 2006
Boreysza, Katarzyna Randbedingungen und Loesungsansaetze fuer eine Minderung der Verlustwassermengen am staugeregelten, schiffbaren Neckar 2006
Hasan Ersen BAS Design of a Low-Head Powerhouse Based on Stress/Strain Investigation with the FEM/Program Package CalcculiX 2006
Babar Alam In/Situ Chemical Oxidation for DNAPL Source Remediation: Feasibility Study on Batch Tests and 2-D Flume Experiments 2006
RM Rangga Akib A Probabilistic Forecast System of Daily Areal Precipitation for the Fraenkische Saale Using NCEP/NCAR and ERA-40 Reanalysis Data 2007
Zhang, Yanrong JZR Process for High Load Wastewater Treatment 2007
Jude Lubega Musuuza Development of the iWAS Irrigation Scheduling Program Based on an Existing Evaporation Module 2007
Fedy Gusti Kostiano Evaluation of Flux Decline in Nanofiltration of Paper Mills Effluents 2007
Eloïse Byrne Application of the MesoCASiMiR GIS Complex to assess ecological status in the River Neckar 2007
Birgit Fabritius Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems: Assessment of a Combined Filtration and below Ground Stormwater Detention and Infiltration System 2007
Bikash Sherchan Possibilities and limitations of reducing survezing efforts for acquiring cross sectional data needed by 1D open channel-flow models (such as HEC-RAS or MIKE 11) 2007
Aneliya L. Nestorova A Probabilistic Analysis of Dike stability 2007
Margaret Stevenson Modelling the Surface-Groundwater Interaction in Esperance, Werstern Australia Using a Groundwater Flow Model 2007
Christine Laures Benchmarking of Selected Yemeni Water 2007
A. Baran ÖZCAN A Case Study: Water Balance in Iberotel Sarigerme Park, Turkey and Evaluation of Wasterwater Reuse Opportunities using MEMOS Membrane Bioreactor 2007
Gabriela Parada Puig Peak Flow Attenuation Using On Site Detention at Permatang Rawa River Basin, Penang, Malaysia 2007
Muhammad Mahboob Alam Optimization of Multipurpose Reservoir Operation 2007
Jazuri   Abdullah trends in Daily precipitation and Temperature extremes in Selangor, Malaysia in the Second half of the 21st century 2007
Oktaz Karas Optimization of a Biological Waste Air Purification Plant in Adhesive Industry for Treatment of Crude Air Containing Benzyl 2007
Xiao Min Wang The Development of a single phase multi-component model with sorption for the analysis of methane migration from subsurface coal seams 2007
Kenan Güney Recovery of Phosphorus as MAP (Struvite) from Digested Sewage Sludge by using metal Separation with a Nafion Ion Exchange Membrane 2007
Diamantakis Dimitrios Water Management Possibilities under Changing Climate 2007
Angeliki Chioni Lay-out and Calibration of automatic weir-flaps in an irrigation Scheme 2007
Erika Lothes Bernal An evaluation into the Performance of an Anaerobic Reactor from a Wastewater Treatment Plant in Knittlingen 2007
Angela Maria Araz Villalba Treatment of Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) Industrial Wastewater through the Use of Combined Membrane Technique in Comparison with Trasitional Treatment 2007
Awoke Dagnew Analysis of hydraulic, Morphological and Ecological Effects of Reservoir Flushing Downstream of a Reservoir: Case Study Reservoir Bodendorf, River Mur, Austria 2007
Onur Kaya An Evaluation of Biogas Production by Co-Digestion of sewage sludge and bio-waste based on the Pilot Application in Iberotel Sarigerme Park 2007
Odusami Adedapo Olawale Corrosion of Pipes in Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Systems 2007
Jeffrey Andrew Tuhtan Cost Optimization of Small Hydropower 2007
Maguy Sadek Selective Transfer of Network Monitoring Utilities into the Water Supply Systems in Lebanon 2007
Nur Kuru An Investigation on the Water Reczcling in Tourist resorts: Case Study in Iberotel Sarigernme Park 2007
Ganesh Prasad Parajuli An Improved 3D Creep Analzsis of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and Validation of a new Anisotropic Creep Model 2007
Maria M. Medellin Govea Economical and Procedural Comparison of different Combined heat and Power Units (CHP) for the Use of Wastewater Treatment Plants 2007
Munira Binti Mohammad Impact of River Valley Characteristics oon Fatalities Downstream of a Dam Due to Extreme Flooding 2008
Nasrin Nasrollahi Mississiüüi River Estuary Eco-System Modeling Using a Salinity Box Model 2008
Xuan You Identification and Evaluation of Reuse-Oriented Treatment Alternatived of Municipal Wastewater in Coastal City   Case Study : Xiamen Island, China 2008
Habtamu Gezahegn Comparison of 2D Hydrodynamic Models in River Reaches of Ecological Importance : Hydro_AS-2d & SRH-W 2008
Ulf Bredenbroeker Integration of Waterlevel Uncertainties into a Probabilistic desing of river dikes with Pc-Ring 2008
Wondmagegn Yazea Morpholodynamic Modeling of River Danube with MIKE 21C including Sensitivity Analysis of Input Parameters 2008
Antonio Arenas CFD Evaluation of Hydraulic Conditions at a Hydropower Intake 2008
Zhang Jiajia Solids in Storm Sewers and Stormwater Sedimentation Tanks-The Role of Physicochemical Characteristics on their Transport and Settling Behaviour 2008
Fiedel Kebedom Tedla Surficial Sediment Size Distribution Through The Use of Digital Imaging and Autocorrelation Analysis 2009
Nicolas Chretien Design of a Drip Irrigation System for a Fruit Farming area near Lake Constance in the Context of Climate Change 2009
Joachim Hellmold Na Son -Micro Hydro Power Refurbishment_Dien Bien Dong Province. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam 2009
A.G. Pradeep Narrain Design Optimization Using CFD and a Statistical-Mathematical Algorithm 2009
Jiaying Liang Improving Calibration Strategy of Physically Based WaSiM-ETH Using Critical Events 2010
Edom Melesse Moges Evalucation of Sediment Transport Equations and Parameter Sensitivity Analysis Using the SRH-2D Model 2010
Asya Drenkova Application of Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles in Wastewater Treatment 2010
Fabio Mauro Italiano Valuation of Scoio-economical effects of irrigation projects 2010
Carla Cecilia Rios Silvestre Morphodynamic Modeling of the Chico River in Panama with MIKE 21C 2010
Elias Tedla Shiferaw Evaluating SWAT Predictive Performance based on Multiple Optimization Algorithms and Different Spatial Resolution Climatic Data 2010
M.Sercan Ceyhan Development of Transfer model to predict groundwater levels and groundwater recharge from perculation data provided by a physically based soil water balance model 2010
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