While Studying

Important information during the program

1. What are SQs?
Two SQs are mandatory in the WAREM Program. One SQ is valid 3 ECTS. SQs are not related to the Study Program. They are meant to train the social skills and competences of the students. To register for a SQ during the first semester is normally difficult as courses are very quickly booked as soon as registration has started. It is recommendable to register in 2nd and/or 3rd semester.

All information concerning the registration of SQ can be found here.

  If your German level is under A2.1 you can achieve your 6 ECTS by doing two German courses.
  If your German level is A2.1 after having completed the first German course, you have to choose one SQ out of the catalogue of SQs.
  If your German level already achieved is A 2.1, choose two SQs out of the catalogue of SQs.

Some notes and hints for the registration of SQs:
  • Register as early as possible, as soon as you get the e-mail (on your student e-mail) the registration for the SQs is open
  • Log in your student e-mail via this link.
  • You will get an e-mail ift you are accepted in this course or not.
  • Most likely you will not be accepted as there are a lot of students who want to attend a SQ and not enough offers. BUT, what you can do now, is to go there on the first day of the course. If the course still has free places, you can speak with the lecturer and tell him/her that you would like to attend the course.
  • Again, go early and in time to the class. So chances to get a place are higher.
2. Will I get grades for my SQ?
The interdisciplinary SQs are never graded.
3. The interdisciplinary SQ was rated "failed". What is the impact of this result?
The interdisciplinary SQs are all non-graded study performances (USL). USLs can generally be repeated as often as required and thus do not result in any loss of the right of examination. Even though a "fail" in the transcript won’t have any consequences for further studies, the necessary qualifications of the interdisciplinary SQs must be provided within the time limit set in the examination regulations in order to be able to complete the course.
4. How and when do I know for which SQ I am registered?
After the application procedure has been completed, you can see the overview of your courses in C@mpus and in which SQ you have received a place.

1. When do I have to register for the exams?
There is a special period for exam registration – normally mid to end of November and mid to end of May. It is VERY IMPORTANT to register as well the retake exams. All necessary information about exam regulations and issues concerning the exam offices can be found here.
3. How to de-register from exams?
Normally you can de-register latest up to 7 days before the exam takes place without any problem. If it is less than 7 days, then you need a certificate from a doctor.

BUT: “Please note that a withdrawal from a registered course-accompanying examination (orig. “LBP”) is only possible during the registration period. If you register for this type of examination and want to withdraw from it after the registration period, you should obtain consent from the examination committee in charge! Therefore we strongly recommend  to register for a course-accompanying examination when you are absolutely certain that you want to take this examination!” (exam office official website).

4. What if a student does not pass a mandatory exam? What if a student does not pass an elective exam?
A mandatory exam must be repeated within two semesters. Two electives can be deselected when you failed the exam.
5. Can I also register for more selectable mandatories than five?
Yes, but make sure before registering the exam if you want to have the module registered as a selectable mandatory or a simple elective. In case you have registered it as an elective, you might deselect it in case that you fail.
7. Is it a problem if i do not write any exam during the semester.
No, you can write the exams whenever they are offered. And whenever you have time and you are prepared. But only when you have registered for it!! However, it is recommendable to achieve at least 30 ECTS per semester, if you want to complete the program in time and with less stress.
8. How often can I fail an exam?
Normally once. You always have a second attempt. In two cases you have even a third chance. If you fail in the third attempt, some weeks later an oral exam will take place. If you pass the oral exam successfully the maximum grade you can get will be 4.0 (pass) even though you might have performed excellently. In case you do not pass, this is the end of your studies.
2. Where can I find the form to register for my Master’s Thesis, and what should I do to register for it?
The form is available here.

Please determine with your supervising professor the exact date when you will begin with your Master's Thesis. This date will be registered via the Examination Office (Prüfungsamt). The time to work on the Thesis is exactly 6 months. An extension is only possible in case of severe illness.
3. How much time do I have to complete my Master Studies?
Max. 4 years. However, the official time for the WAREM Master’s Program is scheduled for two years.
4. How do I de-register after having completed my studies?
For information on how to de-register, please visit here.
5. If I do an internship, can I receive some credit points from it?
No. An internship is not mandatory in the WAREM Program.
  1. https://www.uni-stuttgart.de/en/study/index.htmlAll you need to know of Uni Stuttgart

  2. printpeter.deprinting up to 150 pages in color for free every month (for lecture notes)

  3. ilias3.uni-stuttgart.dethe most important website for students ever

  4. Dropbox.comshare files with your classmates.

  5. SW Stuttgartapp from Play Store which includes Mensa Speiseplan (food) and Waschmaschine (Washing machine)

  6. VVS Mobilapp from Play Store showing timetable of public transport in Stuttgart, map of S-bahn stations and bus stops.

  7. Mendeleyplatform with reference manager, visualisation tools.

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